Thursday, June 20, 2013

Glory of the New

In 2 Corinthians 3 Paul talks about the glory of the new convenant compared to the old. The old covenant is the law, considered the ministry of death as its message is to condemn. Even so, the glory of the law caused Moses face to glow and he had to veil it from the Israelites for this glory was too much for them, even though it was fading. How much more so the new covenant is filled with glory as the ministry of righteous! The glory of the old covenant is nothing compared to the glory of the new.

Therefore, when we embrace the new covenant, the veil is removed and we are allowed to bask in the glory of it. When we do, there is liberty and confidence. We do not deem ourselves righteous by following the law, which is impossible to follow in completeness, but our righteousness comes from Christ. In Christ, we unashamedly and boldly proclaim His righteousness. It allows us to share the gospel freely, as we are not claiming ourselves perfect in the law, but Christ's perfection. And as we continue to follow Christ and allow Him to guide us, we are being transformed to be more like Him as our relationship with Him grows. We can find such confidence in this as the new covenant depends on Christ and not our own rightousness.

Therefore we do not hide in fear of inadequacy for we do not aim to fulfill all the law perscribes, but we aim to live for Christ. We depend on Christ and follow Him and in turn He makes us adequate to be entrusted as a servant of the gospel, not of ourselves but of Christ.

This should bring such certainty into our lives - to know we do not have to be adequate on our own to handle the gospel or perfectly follow the law to be righteous enough to accept it and proclaim it. In the law of righteousness, which is the new covenant, Christ was crucified to set us free and in doing so He fulfilled the law. The old has passed and the new covenant remains. With unveiled faces we accept the gospel of Christ and are declared righteous in Christ and allowed a boldness and confidence where there once was shame and timidity. Freedom reigns and glory overwhelms if we just accept it. Thanks be to God & Christ Jesus for what has been done for us!

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