Sunday, April 3, 2011


Jeff cooked fajitas a few nights ago and they were great, but they were extraordinarily salty. I found myself standing at the fridge downing water before I went to bed and wondered why I was so thirsty. I realized it must be those salty fajitas!

Then the verse came to mind about saltiness. In Matt 5:13, Jesus says we are the salt of the earth. I thought about how thirsty I was because of the salt and how we as Christians need to have that effect on people. When they are around us, they should thirst for the "living water" of Jesus Christ by seeing His goodness shine through us.

It seems that verse keeps popping up now too, in things I read, our sermon this morning, etc. I'm not sure how salty I have been lately...but I know it is something God has brought to my attention so I am excited to follow where He is leading and be more salty!

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